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Introduction: The Start of a New You

Alaina Benoit

Take control of your life. It begins today.


Ambition: "A strong desire for achieving success, & putting in the determination and hard work to get there."

Do you want a new pair of shoes? I sure do, but first- sell the ones that you already have & don’t wear. You can use the money for better things of more use to you. I sold a pair of running shoes that were known to be trending. They hurt my feet, they made them cramp, so I never wore them for their purpose. I couldn’t get myself to sell them for a long time because I liked the clean look of them & of course, as I said, they were trendy. I had to quickly check myself & realize that the sole purpose of me buying them was to be more comfortable running, & that’s not what I was using them for, so I eliminated them from my closet. They were not of value to me anymore.

This small scenario applies to your everyday life. Don’t create clutter. If you do, don’t keep the clutter. You start feeling unmotivated when you have these material things that you can’t let go of because you want to look cool & chic, or like you have your life together. You have to figure out a way to minimize certain things to maximize your life.



Ask yourself, are the people in your life creating clutter? Do you feel like you owe everyone something, & that you have to please them all the time? I will tell you a not-so secret, you don’t owe anyone anything. Are you actually putting yourself, your goals, & your health first? Who or what is weighing you down? Maybe you are someone that has to be surrounded by people all of the time because you like the company (or you have FOMO), but are these people adding value to your life? Are you constantly learning from them & finding inspiration when they are around? A very big component in improving your life, is surrounding yourself with people who are likeminded- this is key. Figure out who or what is worthwhile. Write it out. Grab your phone & put it in your notes. Eliminate these things from your life, that is the first step. Once you realize the weights that you don't need, you will be on the track to a better you.

You then need to figure out what you like & enjoy. Write, write, write. Get the pretty, colorful pens if it will help you WRITE everyday, or don’t. Do you need to save money? Is it worth it, or will it be temporary happiness? Will you get a sudden rush, use them for a week, start to feel discouraged & be done with it? If so, useless purchase. You are setting yourself up to keep making non-beneficial decisions in your life. Pick up a pen you already have and save yourself the money. If you want to really start being honest with yourself, get the pens & COMMIT to using them. Tell yourself everyday that you rewarded yourself with the purchase, so now you have to make the decision if you really want to be better or you just kind of want it. Don’t let any idea or thought slip away. The minute you seek interest in something, jot it down. It’s such a simple challenge that I am asking of you. If you can’t commit to just writing everyday & using those pens, then what bigger things can you actually commit to in your life? You have to start small to get big.

I tended to forget the things that I liked to do and what brought happiness & inspiration to me, because I wasn’t applying them to my life, for some reason it was only temporary. Why was it temporary if it gave me joy? Because my everyday routine was not involved with practicing these habits or embracing them. Don't let this be you, find your niche.

Allow me to guide you on becoming greater within such simple areas of your life. I do not like to follow, but I do like to get ideas & lead in the right direction. Everyone can be pushed way beyond what they think. I know that we all have emotions and we all get discouraged, but if you are constantly dwelling on yourself & thinking that the world is never going to give you a chance, where will you end up? I can tell you that it will be 5 years from now wishing you started today. It is not easy, it will be challenging, but once you start & practice this mindset everyday, it will become your lifestyle.


You are here because you want to improve yourself. Follow along, stay awhile, I have so much to share with all of you.


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