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Practicing the 3 D's of Life

Alaina Benoit

For me, the letter D is the key alphabet to reaching goals; decision, dedication, and discipline are a combination of words that form the true core of success. How and why might this be the case?

Reaching your goals and setting that high standard for yourself has to come with a little bit of guidance and practice. Before we begin, let's recognize what a few words mean. Dedication means being committed to something. Motivation is being excited, knowing your why for your reason, and doing what needs to be done when you want to do it. Discipline is the voice that keeps you going when you don't want to do it because it knows that you have goals to reach and no time to waste.

Motivation starts tomorrow, discipline starts today. Which will you choose?



Making decisions is the first step in finding and reaching that end goal. What is it that you want? How long will it take to achieve this? Are these true goals, or will they provide you with short-term happiness? Decide what is worth your time and what will be beneficial to your life long-term - that is, what are things that are useful and will continue to help you in your everyday life? These things can include learning a new language, devotion to healthier eating habits, earning a college degree, developing self-confidence, etc. All these things have a way to benefit your life eternally.

There is a difference between short-term and long-term goals. You should really spend time reassessing what those are, writing them down, and distinguishing them, because when you don't have the right goals in mind, you won't care if you succeed or not.


Once you have those true goals set and have come to a decision, then you must start dedicating yourself to those things. Dedication comes in the form of being loyal and devoted to your main goals and sticking with them. Being dedicated means that you are willing to spend lots of your time and energy working towards something because it is important to you. You're committed and ready, but being SO dedicated means nothing without the discipline to follow it.


This is where it gets tricky, and it starts to get bumpy, and you start falling behind, but the thing with that is, once it does, you keep going. Discipline is going to the gym on the days you don’t feel like it. Discipline is choosing to study over watching your favorite Netflix show because you know that the extra time you spend on it will benefit you when getting that degree. Discipline is not letting anyone, anything, or any excuse get in the way of your goals, but don't get this confused with being motivated.

Motivation is that first thought you get in your head when you are creating goals; it’s the excitement, the why, and the purpose of your whole objective. Discipline is what keeps you going after the excitement and rush have ended. An easy example would be how most of the New Year's resolutions that you hear are people wanting to go to the gym, get on a diet, and overall be a healthier person. These people start out the year super pumped up and ready to crush their new goals - that is motivation. Motivation comes and goes. When it goes, that discipline kicks in. It’s no longer “I want to get in shape; I can’t wait to see my results,” it’s “I have to do this if I want results.” I always say that starting over and trying a new way is okay, but do not quit. You can start over and not quit. Starting over doesn’t mean you have given up; it can mean that the way you have tried is not working, so you are trying something different, as long as you are staying on your path.


Think about all the goals you have and how long these things have been goals of yours. Have you been trying to get there, but things keep getting in the way? Stop LETTING things get in the way and get in CONTROL! Decide, dedicate, and start the discipline. Anyone can work hard when they are motivated, but being disciplined means you can work hard when you're not. Which will you be?


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